What is most important in the present? To make it like the left memory came to taste. And what if it is regarded as a sneer? Well, if the ladies have a sense of humor. And if not? So you may lose the friendship or love. Every gift is an inverse relationship. It has long been no people in my life, and their gifts are, serving as reminders to me about them. The heat becomes so! How many can tell something about a person. Especially if the gift from the heart, rather than bought on the way to work.
You often go to his girlfriend, it was an excellent hostess. You praise her delicious dishes. At the festival you grant her a book about a tasty and healthy food. She appreciates it. I would be glad - there is no limit to perfection. And if you gave a book-owner to a bore after nearly poisoned in esculent lunch? As reproach. Should I wait until after that of her gratitude for the gift?
It’s good to know what a woman to you choose a gift loves. Knowing her habits is essential. Flowers and perfume are traditional gifts. And there are pitfalls. You need a very good understanding of women's preferences in запахах. And the flowers ... For instance, I do not like to cut - it is killed, the dead flowers. And look how they are, I will continue to die, I seriously. Yes, the choice of a gift - a whole science. And in this science can destroy the precarious or happiness, or raise it to a new level.
Not every woman can give to such a gift. If such a gift is not at the level of women's lives - it is unlikely to get pleasure from it. Think, do not be such a gift is regarded as an obligation, as a duty ... Do not place the favorite in an awkward position.
The simple rule - be careful to those nearby, and listen to their delight about one or the other. It is possible that such a gift, she would be pleased to receive from you!